NEBO ART ♡ You are my friend
NEBO ART ♡ You are my friend
Painting, Watercolor, 18×24,
Painted in February 2024
Painting, Watercolor, 18×24,
Painted in January 2024
NEBO Bookmarks
NEBO Bookmarks
HR Dragocjene oznake za knjige koje vas svaki dan mogu podsjetiti na Božju Riječ. Proizvod koji je može prenositi generacijama i svima pomoći na putu u Nebo.
Ukoliko želite personalizirati svoj bookmark, pošaljite nam u komentaru dodatni opis svoje ideje.
Bookmark je veličine 15,5x 5cm.
EN Precious bookmarks that can remind you of God's Word every day. A product that can be passed on for generations and help everyone on their way to Heaven.
If you want to personalize your bookmark, send us an additional description of your idea in the comments.
The size of the bookmark is 15.5 x 5 cm.
HR Darujte svojim dragim osobama za njihov veliki dan krštenja, svete prve pričesti, svete potvrde ili sakrament ženidbe, jedinstvenu uspomenu. Uz to će naši okviri ispuniti njihove domove Božjom riječju i biti podsjetnik na veće idale, koje nas vode u Nebo.
Za personaliziranje vašeg poklona upišite pri naruđbi željeno ime i datum.
Ukoliko želite ići korak dalje i promijeniti dizajn ili citat, pošaljite nam u komentaru dodatni opis svoje ideje.
Okvir je veličine 15x20x2 (A5) u bijeloj ili crnoj boji.
EN Give your loved ones a unique keepsake for their big day of baptism, holy first communion, holy confirmation or the sacrament of marriage. In addition, our frames will fill their homes with God's word and be a reminder of greater ideals, which lead us to Heaven.
When ordering, send us the information in the comments, so that we can personalize your selection with the right name and date.
If you want to go one step further and change the design or quote, send us an additional description of your idea in the comments.
The size of the frame is 15x20x2 (A5) in white or black.
NEBO artwork PRINT
NEBO artwork PRINT
HR Izaberite jedinstvenu prigodu za koju želite darivati vaše najdraže. Učinite to uz poseban dizajn s više od jedne slike ili uljepšajte vaš dom podsjetnikom na veće ideale koje nas vode u Nebo. Najdraži citat omiljenog svetca ili vama najdraže Riječi iz Svetog Pisma osvježit će vaš Duh svaki dan iznova!
Ukoliko želite personalizirati ovu sliku, pošaljite nam u komentaru dodatni opis svoje ideje.
Slika je veličine 15x20x2 cm.
EN Fill your home with God's Word and decorate it with True Beauty. Along with your personalized design, this little reminder of God's Word will, in addition to external beauty, bring a new spirit and fullness to your homes.
If you want to personalize this image, send us an additional description of your idea in the comments.
The size of the frame is 25.5x25.5x5 cm.
NEBO artwork FRAME
NEBO artwork FRAME
HR Ispunite svoj dom Božjom Riječju i uredite ga Istinitom ljepotom. Uz vaš personalizirani dizajn i taj će mali podsjetnik Božje Riječi, pored izvanjske ljepote, unijeti novi duh i puninu u Vaše domove.
Ukoliko želite personalizirati ovu sliku, pošaljite nam u komentaru dodatni opis svoje ideje.
Okvir je veličine 25,5x25,5x5 cm.
EN Choose a unique occasion for which you want to gift your loved ones. Do it with a unique design with more than one image or brighten your home with a reminder of the greater ideals that lead us to Heaven. Your favorite quote from your favorite saint or your favorite words from the Holy Scriptures will refresh your spirit every day!
If you want to personalize this image, send us an additional description of your idea in the comments.
The size of the picture is 15x20x2 cm.
NEBO Greeting Cards
NEBO Greeting Cards
HR Ne zaboravimo koliko čestitka na papiru i u ruci znači!
Darujete svoje najmilije lijepim željama i blagoslovima za važne dane u godini! Mi smo tu da vam pomognemo sa dizajnom, a vi nam šaljite svoje ideje s podatcima ( ime, datum i sl.) Možete birati želite li običnu čestitku ili u obliku razglednice.
Čestitka je veličine 10x15 cm.
EN Let's not forget how much congratulations on paper and in your hands mean!
Gift your loved ones with good wishes and blessings for important days of the year! We are here to help you with the design, and you send us your ideas with all the data (name, date, etc.). You can choose whether you want your card in form of a greeting card or as a postcard.
The size of the card is 10x15 cm
HR Ne zaboravimo koliko čestitka na papiru i u ruci znači!
Darujete svoje najmilije lijepim željama i blagoslovima za ovaj veliki dan u životu!
Čestitka je veličine 10x15 cm.
EN Let's not forget how much congratulations on paper and in your hands mean!
Gift your loved ones with good wishes and blessings for important days of the lifes!
The size of the card is 10x15 cm
NEBO Candle Fairy Dust with a quote
NEBO Candle Fairy Dust with a quote
HR Mirisne svijeće koje će vaš dom ispuniti osvježavajućim mirisom . Posebnost ovih svijeća je u tome što drvo koje sagorjeva pucketa pa imate osjećaj da je ispred vas kamin s vatrom. Nešto sasvim novo!
- Sastav: CS1 vosak i mirisno ulje Fairy Dust
- Vrijeme sagorijevanja više od 20 sati
Ukoliko želite personalizirati našu NEBO Fairy Dust, imamo divne citate, koji će pridonijeti njezinoj jedinstvenosću. Uz to nam možete poslati u komentaru dodatni opis svoje osobne ideje.
EN Scented candles that will fill your home with the scent of lavender, chamomile and vanilla. The special feature of these candles is that the burning wood crackles, giving you the feeling that there is a fireplace in front of you. Something completely new!
- Ingredients: CS1 wax and fragrance oil of lavender, chamomile and vanilla
- Burns up to 20 h
If you want to personalize our NEBO Fairy Dust, we have wonderful quotes, which will contribute to their uniqueness. In addition, you can send us an additional description of your personal idea in a comment.
NEBO Candle Lavanda with a quote
NEBO Candle Lavanda with a quote
HR Mirisne svijeće koje će vaš dom ispuniti mirisom lavande, kamilice i vanilije. Posebnost ovih svijeća je u tome što drvo koje sagorjeva pucketa pa imate osjećaj da je ispred vas kamin s vatrom. Nešto sasvim novo!
- Sastav: CS1 vosak i mirisno ulje lavande, kamilice i vanilije
- Vrijeme sagorijevanja više od 20 sati
Ukoliko želite personalizirati našu NEBO Lavanda, imamo divne citate, koji će pridonijeti njezinoj jedinstvenosću. Uz to nam možete poslati u komentaru dodatni opis svoje osobne ideje.
EN Scented candles that will fill your home with the scent of lavender, chamomile and vanilla. The special feature of these candles is that the burning wood crackles, giving you the feeling that there is a fireplace in front of you. Something completely new!
- Ingredients: CS1 wax and fragrance oil of lavender, chamomile and vanilla
- Burns up to 20 h
If you want to personalize our NEBO Lavanda, we have wonderful quotes, which will contribute to their uniqueness. In addition, you can send us an additional description of your personal idea in a comment.