NEBO Candle Fairy Dust with a quote

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Item number: 2110110

HR Mirisne svijeće koje će vaš dom ispuniti osvježavajućim mirisom . Posebnost ovih svijeća je u tome što drvo koje sagorjeva pucketa pa imate osjećaj da je ispred vas kamin s vatrom. Nešto sasvim novo!

  • Sastav: CS1 vosak i mirisno ulje Fairy Dust
  • Vrijeme sagorijevanja više od 20 sati

Ukoliko želite personalizirati našu NEBO Fairy Dust, imamo divne citate, koji će pridonijeti njezinoj jedinstvenosću. Uz to nam možete poslati u komentaru dodatni opis svoje osobne ideje.


EN Scented candles that will fill your home with the scent of lavender, chamomile and vanilla. The special feature of these candles is that the burning wood crackles, giving you the feeling that there is a fireplace in front of you. Something completely new!

  • Ingredients: CS1 wax and fragrance oil of lavender, chamomile and vanilla
  • Burns up to 20 h

If you want to personalize our NEBO Fairy Dust, we have wonderful quotes, which will contribute to their uniqueness. In addition, you can send us an additional description of your personal idea in a comment.